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Jens Kapitzky

Domaines principaux

  • Publishing houses
  • Media and communications service providers
  • Educational and research institutions
  • Educational and cultural foundations
  • Development of further and continuing education concepts for the Academy and in-house events

Langues de travail

  • Allemand
For whatever people do, recognize, experience, or know becomes meaningful only to the extent that they can talk about it.

Hannah Arendt, Vita Activa 1960


Jens Kapitzky (born 1965) studied communication science, German language and literature, and political science after training as a book printer and bookseller. He then worked for 15 years at the publishing house Klett Verlag in the education sector, including five years as managing director of the Austrian Federal Publishing House in Vienna. In 2015, he changed perspectives and his role from consulting executive to consultant. Since 2015, he has been a MetaPlanner, and since 2018, he has headed the Metaplan Academy.

Personal interests

Jens was born and raised in Leipzig. After living in the Ruhr area and Vienna, he now lives in Leipzig again with his family. Education and books are still his passion today; one focus of his work is social impact & education projects, and the other takes place everywhere, because there is always an hour for reading at home, on the train or in a hotel.