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50 Jahre Zukunft des Organisierens

Metaplan has been accompanying change in organizations since 1972. We primarily focus our work on other organizations, seeking to understand how their structures define and shape the ways people behave within them. Rather rarely do we look inward. After 50 years dedicated to the future of organizing, we are asking ourselves what transformations we have undergone.

A journey through time with Metaplan Princeton

A glance at the history of Metaplan in France

Five Decades of Metaplan Germany

Exhibition: Metamorphoses – 50 Years – The Future of Organizing

A description of what constitutes Metaplan from a merely internal perspective would be incomplete. That’s why we put together a variety of artistic positions that describe in different ways what constitutes Metaplan.

We’re looking back to ask ourselves what is to come. Welcome to the world of metamorphoses.

1. Transformationsspiegel (Transformation Mirror)

Transformation gets organizations moving – why a change of perspective can be worthwhile.

2. Prozessschlange (Process Serpent)

“We call our work planning” – questioning the present in organizations.

3. Metaplan Soundtrack

Between information markets and corridor gossip – experiencing the history of Metaplan in an unusual sound space.

4. Symmetries of Culture

Forms are lost and structures gained – how art can make interaction visible.

5. Recruitingparcours (Recruiting Course)

Change through attitudes, attitudes in change: how Metaplan ticks – past and present.

6. Nomansland

As a metaplanner striving for unambiguity in her statements, Tesle Schnelle Cölln’s art balances on the threshold between figuration and abstraction.

7. Die Frau mit der Gitarre (Woman with Guitar)

Visualization is the interaction of individual elements for an overall impression – in art and moderation.

8. Scherenschnitte (Silhouettes)

From op-art to visual rhetoric – the art of moderation lies in the interweaving of individual elements.

9. Super Constellations

Here, abstract geometric shapes are the basic elements of a visual language, through which communication develops into understanding.

Exhibition curator: Wiebke Gronemeyer, Metaplan. Artistic concept and design: Fünfzehn.